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8 Ways to Improve Your Cash Flow in 2023

Struggling with cash flow or just need some advice? This article will offer Canadian business owners practical strategies on how to improve cash flow in 2023.

Cash flow is the pulse that beats beneath the surface of a business, driving nearly every decision and determining the fate of ventures.

Cash flow refers to the movement of money in and out of business at a specific time. Positive cash flow moves your business forward, bringing in more money than it spends and allowing you to invest, expand, and flourish. Negative cash flow is the opposite; when expenses exceed income, clients aren't paying on time, or unexpected expenses arise, you become overwhelmed by a lack of liquidity.

This article will explore key strategies small business owners can use to improve their cash flow in 2023. These eight proven techniques can transform your cash management strategies, paving the way for a prosperous and thriving business in the year ahead.

Methods to improve your cash flow

Someone working out their finances.

1. Review your financials regularly

Regularly looking at your finances might not be the most exciting task, but it's really important for improving your cash flow.

Keeping track of how and when your money is moving will help you mitigate cash flow problems. For example, if you need to settle payables (your debts) before getting receivables (the money from a sale you have not collected), it can create cash flow problems.

By closely monitoring your income and expenses every week, you can see how your cash flow is moving in real time. This way, you can plan and ensure you have enough money for when business might be slower. It's also helpful to occasionally check your profit and loss statements and balance sheets to spot any positive or negative trends in your cash flow. After clearly understanding your present financial situation, you can implement the necessary measures to improve your cash flow.

2. Streamline your invoicing and collection process

If your invoicing process is anything less than effortless, there’s room for improvement. Ensure your invoices are clear, accurate, and promptly sent to customers. Establish clear payment terms and consider offering incentives for early payment.

To improve your cash flow, it is vital to stay on top of collecting customer payments. Follow up promptly on overdue invoices to minimize late payments. Using software like QuickBooks Online or Zoho Books can streamline your invoicing process, allowing you to send invoices faster and improve your cash flow.

3. Optimize inventory management

By effectively managing your inventory levels, you can avoid overstocking and reduce the amount of capital tied up in unsold products. This frees up cash that can be used for other business expenses or investments.

Efficient inventory management helps prevent stockouts and backorders, ensuring the timely fulfillment of customer orders. This enhances customer satisfaction, reduces order cancellations, and ultimately increases sales revenue. Moreover, streamlined inventory management reduces holding costs, such as storage and insurance, further improving cash flow.

4. Negotiate favorable payment terms with suppliers

Are you spending more than necessary purchasing supplies and inventory for your business? Negotiating favorable payment terms with your suppliers can cushion your cash flow. Consider exploring different options and comparing prices from various sources, early payment discounts, or bulk purchase discounts.

You can improve cash flow by managing supplier relationships and maintaining a healthy business partnership.

5. Embrace digital payment solutions

Adopting digital payment methods such as online payments, mobile payments, or electronic invoicing can help you streamline your payment processes and accelerate the collection of funds. Digital payments offer convenience and efficiency, reducing the time and effort required for manual processing. They also minimize the risk of errors and delays associated with traditional paper-based transactions.

With faster payment processing, you can improve cash flow by promptly receiving payments and reducing outstanding receivables. Additionally, digital payment solutions provide better visibility and tracking of transactions, enabling your business to have a real-time understanding of its cash flow position.

Someone tapping their card to make a digital payment.

6. Monitor and reduce expenses

You can carefully track and analyze expenses to identify areas where costs can be minimized or eliminated. This proactive approach helps optimize cash flow by reducing unnecessary expenditures and preserving financial resources. You will need to scrutinize various expense categories, negotiate better deals with suppliers, and seek cost-effective alternatives. Effective expense management increases profitability and ensures that available funds are utilized efficiently.

7. Keep marketing and selling

Consistent marketing efforts help attract new customers and retain existing ones, driving sales revenue. You can generate a steady stream of incoming cash by promoting products or services effectively. Maintaining a strong sales pipeline and actively pursuing leads can ensure a continuous flow of orders and payments. Customer retention strategies, such as excellent customer service and loyalty programs, also contribute to repeat business and recurring revenue.

Practical marketing and selling efforts increase cash inflows and enhance brand reputation and market presence, leading to long-term financial success.

8. Explore financing options

When cash flow is constrained, seeking external financing can provide the necessary funds to cover expenses, invest in growth opportunities, or bridge temporary gaps. Financing options include business loans, lines of credit, or invoice financing. These sources of capital inject immediate cash into the business, bolstering cash flow and providing flexibility. It allows for smoother operations, timely payments to suppliers and employees, and the ability to seize profitable opportunities.

FAQs on improving cash flow

FAQs on Cash Flow

What are the signs of cash flow problems?

Signs of cash flow problems include consistent delays in paying bills, difficulty in meeting payroll obligations, relying on credit to cover daily expenses, declining cash reserves, frequent cash shortages, and accumulating unpaid invoices or accounts receivable.

How do you calculate cash flow?

Cash flow can be calculated by subtracting total cash outflows (expenses, loan payments, and investments) from total cash inflows (including sales revenue, loans received, and investments). The resulting figure represents the net change in cash during a specific period.

Why is cash flow important?

Cash flow is vital because it reflects the availability of cash to cover operational expenses, invest in growth, and meet financial obligations. Positive cash flow ensures a business can maintain its day-to-day operations, seize opportunities, handle unexpected costs, and build financial stability.

How can you quickly improve cash flow?

Some methods of improving cash flow include accelerating the collection of accounts receivable, negotiating better payment terms with suppliers, controlling expenses, reducing inventory levels, offering discounts for early payments, exploring financing options, and improving sales and marketing efforts to boost revenue.

Cash flow: the most important thing to consider

The most important thing to consider is the critical role that cash flow plays in the success and sustainability of your business. By effectively managing your cash flow, you can ensure smooth operations, meet financial obligations, and position your business for growth. Remember, a proactive approach to cash flow management is key.

For further insights on growing your business, we encourage you to read our article on how to grow your business.

Megan Kelly

About the author

Megan is Head of Content Marketing at She is a B2B Content Strategist and Copywriter. She has produced multiple articles that rank on the first page of Google SERPS, and loves creating people-first content.