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5 Steps to Sell Your Business Quickly

Selling a business quickly can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Learn how to sell your business quickly in Canada with this five-step strategy.

Selling a business is a huge task that typically happens once, requiring meticulous planning and careful consideration. Usually, selling a business fast isn’t always possible for various reasons, such as conditions in the marketplace, the organization's complexity, and finding a suitable buyer. The process requires thorough financial analysis and extensive negotiations to ensure a successful transaction.

In Canada, selling a business typically takes an average of 245 days, or approximately 8.1 months, according to a study by Morgan & Westfield. Although selling a business fast might be challenging, there is a five-step process that can increase the chances of selling your business quickly.

Let's get started. 

5 Steps to Sell Your Business Fast

This article will provide a practical five-step approach to help you sell your business quickly, maximizing your chances of achieving a quick and efficient sale.

1. Be proactive when preparing your business for sale

To promote a quick sale, it is crucial that you evaluate the reasons behind your decision to sell your business. This step is crucial before embarking on the actual selling process. Small business owners should identify their personal motivations and evaluate the financial considerations associated with the sale.

To enhance the value and appeal of the business, you should then focus on improving financial records and statements. You should also grow your customer base and enhance your market position to make the business more attractive to potential buyers. These tasks are not easy, and they take time. That’s why it’s important to start working on them before you sell your business.

Business owner looking at financial details

2. Make sure your valuation is realistic

To sell your business quickly, it is critical that your valuation estimates match the price potential buyers are willing to pay. Understanding how potential buyers assess your business can offer valuable insights you may have missed when preparing and valuing your business. By establishing the value of your business before selling, you can approach the sales process with a better grasp of how prospective buyers may appraise it.

Small business owners should utilize various methods to evaluate a business, including analyzing financial statements and historical performance, conducting market analysis, and considering industry benchmarks. Seeking professional guidance from accountants, financial advisors, and experts familiar with market trends and the competitive landscape can help owners obtain an objective valuation of their business.

3. Choose the right platform to find the right buyer

After dedicating time to evaluate your business, the next important step is to locate the ideal buyer who will genuinely recognize and appreciate your business. While finding a buyer quickly is your main objective, you should still ensure it is the right buyer.

Small business owners should use effective strategies to attract potential buyers, such as marketing and advertising the business through various channels, including online platforms and industry networks.

Thorough screenings and due diligence should be conducted to verify buyer qualifications and financial stability. Assessing compatibility and shared vision is also important to ensure a harmonious transition of ownership.

A great way to achieve this is by employing the services of brokers. Business brokers assist you in maximizing the value of your business and ensuring you secure the most advantageous deal possible. In Canada, you can find experienced brokers who can help you sell your business quickly.

4. Stay organized to avoid complications

Small business owners should meticulously prepare for the sales process by organizing financial records and legal documentation. This process entails collecting tax returns and financial statements to present a comprehensive overview of the financial health of the business.

Ensuring legal compliance and documentation accuracy is essential to avoid any complications during the sale. Hence, selling a business quickly might require more skills than those at your disposal, so it is important to ask for assistance whenever you can.

5. Encourage and maintain a seamless transition

Engaging in negotiations to establish the terms and conditions of the sale is crucial in selling your business. As a small business owner, it is important to prioritize taking proactive steps such as structuring the deal as well as addressing any contingencies and contractual obligations.

Planning for a smooth transition of ownership is equally important. Prioritize open communication with your employees and stakeholders, making efforts to ensure a seamless handover of operations. Also, ensure that all your financial records are organized and easily accessible. Interested buyers want to review vital documents like profit and loss statements, tax returns, and bank statements.

Two business people shaking hands

FAQs on selling your business quickly

How long does it take to sell a company?

According to a study by Morgan & Westfield, it takes around 8 months to sell a business in Canada. However, the timeline may be influenced by buyer interest during certain cycles of the economy, how attractive the company's assets and financial performance are, and the intricacy involved in completing the transaction.

How do you value a business?

Valuing a business involves considering various factors such as financial performance, assets, market conditions, and industry trends. There are various methods you can use, which our guide on valuing a business covers in detail. 

How do you sell a business quickly?

To sell a business quickly, it's essential to price it competitively and have all necessary documentation prepared in advance. Provide potential buyers with detailed financials, lease agreements, equipment lists, and other relevant information to facilitate a quicker sale.

How do you sell a business without a broker?

Selling a business without a broker is possible but requires careful planning and execution. Begin by preparing a comprehensive sales package, including financial records, legal documents, and marketing materials. Utilize online platforms, networks, and professional advisors for guidance throughout the process.

Can you sell a failing business?

Yes, it is possible to sell a failing business, but it can be more challenging. The key to selling a struggling business is highlighting any potential for a turnaround to potential buyers. Here is a guide to selling a failing business for more insights and guidance.

The bottom line: selling your business quickly

The most important thing to consider when selling your business quickly is proper preparation. This includes understanding your motivations, improving the value and appeal of your business, conducting a thorough valuation, finding the right buyer through effective marketing, preparing financial and legal documentation, and planning for a smooth ownership transition.

Small business owners should prioritize taking proactive steps, seek professional assistance, and approach the selling process with resilience. By applying this process, business owners can navigate potential challenges in the selling process and optimize the chances of a successful sale.

If you’d like more advice on selling your business, you can explore our dedicated articles for business owners. These will help you gain valuable insights on every aspect of the selling process so you can navigate complexities and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Megan Kelly

About the author

Megan is Head of Content Marketing at She is a B2B Content Strategist and Copywriter. She has produced multiple articles that rank on the first page of Google SERPS, and loves creating people-first content.