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Business Advice & Features

article How to Start a Food Truck in Canada - Everything You Need to Know image
How to Start a Food Truck in Canada - Everything You Need to Know
From equipment and costs to choosing the right location, this article covers all the essentials to help you build a successful food truck business.
Articles on Buying a Business
article Why Buying a Business is the Perfect Way to Relocate Abroad image
Why Buying a Business is the Perfect Way to Relocate Abroad
Relocating abroad through business ownership can give you a fresh start. Learn how buying an established business abroad offers financial security, cultural integration, and a smooth transition to a new life.
Articles on Buying a Business
article Canada’s Richest Business People - and How They Became Successful image
Canada’s Richest Business People - and How They Became Successful
Discover the inspiring stories of Canada’s wealthiest entrepreneurs and learn how they turned humble beginnings into extraordinary success. Find out which industries propelled them to the top, and the strategies they used to get there.
Articles on Buying a Business

About Us started life as an online bulletin board well before websites became a thing. We’ve made the transition to a magazine and back again, survived dot com boom and bust, recession and pandemic, driving ourselves forward with one aim – to connect business buyers and sellers.

Over 25 years we have built a platform that now advertises 55,420 businesses in 145 countries. We see over 1 million buyers come to the site every month to search businesses in every sector imaginable - from campsites to care, manufacturers to maintenance, franchise to food.

As we have grown into a global business, the team has also spread its wings. We started in a bedroom in Birmingham but now we have operations in London, Sydney, Mexico City and North Carolina.

We provide a route to market for businesses for sale. For business brokers and those selling privately, we will connect you with buyers that want to buy your business.

To find out more about how we can help you buy or sell a business, drop us a line.
